06/24/2016 Release


Updates to the accounts API

The following updates were made to the accounts API to improve performance:

  • The inflight_gross element is not returned by default when a GET call is made to the accounts API, as excluding it will provide significant performance improvement for your API client.
  • If you want to view the inflight_gross element, pass in the following query parameter when making the call: suppress_in_flight_gross=false

    Example: GET <prosper_base_address>/accounts/prosper/?suppress_in_flight_gross=false

  • A new “filters” query parameter has been introduced to the accounts API to allow you to retrieve just the available_cash_balance element. To do this, pass in the following query parameter when making the call: filters=AVAILABLE_CASH

    Example: GET <prosper_base_address>/accounts/prosper/?filters=AVAILABLE_CASH

Updates to errors for orders API

The list of errors for the orders API have been updated. The error codes have not changed. We will continue to fine-tune the error descriptions for the orders API in future releases to give you more specific information about what has caused an error.