Investor API Release Notes

Select a release date to learn more about new features, known issues, and bug fixes for each release.

New Features Delivered to Prosper APIs on August 8, 2018

On the evening of August 8, 2018, we began providing historical return data for each Prosper rating, removing the previous focus on estimated information. This move from estimated returns to historical data is intended to give you even greater insight into the Prosper platform’s performance as you make investment decisions. You can visit our blog post to learn more about this new feature update for our investors.

These changes affects response object data for the listings API and the orders API.

As a result of this update, we no longer support estimated_return, estimated_loss_rate or effective_yield elements in our listings and orders API. These elements were removed on August 8, 2018.

Changes to the listings API
Because of this change, listings created after 5 pm (PT) on August 8, 2018, no longer contain estimated_return, estimated_loss_rate or effective_yield elements.

In their place, the following elements were added:

  • historical_return – average historical return for all loans within this Prosper rating expressed as a decimal.
  • historical_return_10th_pctl – average historical return for all loans within this Prosper rating at the 10th percentile mark expressed as a decimal.
  • historical_return_90th_pctl – average historical return for all loans within this Prosper rating at the 90th percentile mark expressed as a decimal.

Any listings you invested in that were created prior to 5pm (PT) on August 8, 2018, still contain estimated_return, estimated_loss_rate and effective_yield elements. However, the sort_by query parameters estimated_loss_rate, estimated_return, and effective_yield are no longer supported, and the range filters for estimated_loss_rate, estimated_return, and effective_yield are no longer be supported for listings API searches.

Changes to the orders API
Any orders that placed after 5pm (PT) August 8, 2018, no longer contain estimated_return, estimated_loss or effective_yield elements in the orders API response.