View your investments in loans – loans API

As a Prosper investor, you may have invested in one or more loan listings that have been posted to the Prosper marketplace.

The loans API allows you to retrieve a single loan, or a list of loans that you own or have invested in through the purchase of a Note. You can set sorting and filters on the retrieved loans to allow you to easily inspect and display information about loans in your investment portfolio that are meaningful to you within a given context.

The loans API retrieves information about the total amount of the loan. You may have invested in a small portion of the loan by purchasing a Note corresponding to the loan. To see information specific to your pro-rata portion of the proceeds received on the loan, use the notes API.

If you’d like to download Prosper loans history in CSV format, you can download this information at the following location:

Note: We apply a “one month” curtailment rule to this file, which means that loans that were published between 10/01/2017 and 11/01/2017 are only visible after 12/01/2017.

loans API

Use GET /loans/{loan_id} to retrieve a single invested loan.

Use GET /loans/{?query_parameters} to retrieve your invested loans. You can pass in additional query parameters to filter and sort your result set.

By default, Prosper sends a limit of 25 loans in your result set. You must paginate your results using “limit” and “offset” query parameters if you want to retrieve more.

The loans API provides powerful filtering and sorting options, allowing fine-grained search and display from the potentially large amount of loans in your Prosper investment portfolio.

Supported methods


Example URIs

GET <prosper_base_address>/loans/
   Authorization: bearer <access_token>
   Accept: application/json
GET <prosper_base_address>/loans/?offset=0&limit=25
   Authorization: bearer <access_token>
   Accept: application/json

HTTP Headers

Field name Expected value Required?
Authorization bearer <access_token> Y
Accept application/json Y
timezone By default, all dates returned in the response are in UTC. However, you can specify the timezone in full format.Examples: America/Los_Angeles

Query parameters

General parameters

Name Description
offset Defaults to 0.

The starting loan within the query result set when paginating. When making calls that may return a large result set, it is beneficial to page the result set. By paginating your result set, you will get a much faster response than when requesting a larger, potentially large, data set for the limit value.

Example: If your first call specifies an offset of 0, and a limit of 25, your second call would have an offset value of 25. Your third call would have an offset value of 50. Your fourth call would have an offset value of 75, and so forth.

limit The default limit is 25.
The maximum limit is 25.Determines how many loan objects to return in the result set. There may be less remaining objects than the value you specify for the limit.
sort_by You can sort your search results by the following return fields, in ascending or descending order. Descriptions of these fields appear later in this page.·

  • loan_number
  • borrower_rate
  • prosper_rating
  • origination_date

Note: By default, the returned set of loans will be sorted by origination_date in descending order.

The possible values of the sort_by setting are:

  • asc – ascending (default)
  • desc – descending

Note: The sort order value (asc or desc) should be preceded by a space.

Example: To sort the loans returned by the loan’s borrower rate in descending order, you would enter the following:

GET /loans/?sort_by=borrower_rate desc

Loans response object elements

Name Type Description
age_in_months integer Age of the loan in months.
amount_borrowed decimal The amount that was borrowed for the entire loan.
borrower_rate decimal The borrower rate for this loan.
days_past_due integer The number of days this loan is past due
group_leader_award integer This field has been deprecated.
collection_fees_paid decimal The fees paid to a collection agency for collecting on a loan that has defaulted.
debt_sale_proceeds_received decimal Money received as the result of selling post-chargeoff balances to a collection agency.
interest_paid decimal Total current interest paid on this loan.
late_fees_paid decimal The current amount of late fees paid on this loan.
loan_default_reason integer Reason for Default
1 = Delinquency
2 = Bankruptcy        3 = Deceased
4 = Repurchased
5 = PaidInFull
6 = SettledInFull
7 = Sold
null = not in default
loan_default_reason_description string Text description for the loan default reason listed above.
loan_number integer The identifier of the loan.
loan_status integer 0 = ORIGINATIONDELAYED
loan_status_description string Text description for the loan status listed above.
next_payment_due_date date The next scheduled payment date.
next_payment_due_amount decimal The amount due on the next payment due date. This can vary to include items such as late fees or a different last payment.
origination_date date The date the loan originated (was funded).
principal_balance decimal The principal amount outstanding on this loan.
principal_paid decimal The current principal amount that has been repaid toward this loan.
prosper_fees_paid decimal The current amount of Prosper fees paid, including failed payment and alternate payment convenience fees.
prosper_rating string Prosper rating of the listing for the loan at the time the listing was created.Possible values:

  • AA
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • HR
  • N/A
service_fees_paid decimal The current amount of service fees paid on the loan.
term integer The term of the loan in months.Possible values:

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48
  • 60


Example one:

The following example retrieves a loan with an id of 220460.


GET <prosper_base_address>/loans/220460
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json


   "loan_number": 220460,
   "amount_borrowed": 5350,
   "borrower_rate": 0.196,
   "prosper_rating": "D",
   "term": 60,
   "age_in_months": 8,
   "origination_date": "2014-10-17",
   "days_past_due": 0,
   "principal_balance": 5205.55,
   "service_fees_paid": 6.97,
   "principal_paid": 144.45,
   "interest_paid": 136.65,
   "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
   "late_fees_paid": 0,
   "collection_fees_paid": 0,
   "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
   "loan_status": 1,
   "loan_default_reason": null,
   "next_payment_due_date": "2015-01-17",
   "next_payment_due_amount": 140.55

Example two:

The following example retrieves all invested loans sorted in descending order by the borrower rate.


GET <prosper_base_address>/loans/?sort_by=borrower_rate&%20desc
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json


  "result": [
      "loan_number": 487687,
      "amount_borrowed": 7500,
      "borrower_rate": 0.3045,
      "prosper_rating": "HR",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-06",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 7367.47,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2016-01-06",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 320.24
      "loan_number": 488824,
      "amount_borrowed": 7000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.1043,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-09",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 7000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-09",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 227.29
      "loan_number": 488119,
      "amount_borrowed": 15000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0774,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 60,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-09",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 15000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-09",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 302.28
  "result_count": 3,
  "total_count": 3

Example three:

The following example retrieves all invested loans, with a limit of 10 returned loans.


GET <prosper_base_address>/loans/?limit=10
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json


  "result": [
      "loan_number": 88940,
      "amount_borrowed": 5000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.1249,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 45,
      "origination_date": "2013-04-24",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 1880.22,
      "service_fees_paid": -71.58,
      "principal_paid": 3119.78,
      "interest_paid": 893.98,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 30,
      "late_fees_paid": 15,
      "collection_fees_paid": -28.43,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "loan_default_reason": 0,
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-05-24",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 167.24
      "loan_number": 512238,
      "amount_borrowed": 20000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0676,
      "prosper_rating": "AA",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 0,
      "origination_date": "2015-12-01",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 20000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2016-01-01",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 615.35
      "loan_number": 513255,
      "amount_borrowed": 10000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0749,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 0,
      "origination_date": "2015-12-01",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 10000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2016-01-01",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 311.02
      "loan_number": 499908,
      "amount_borrowed": 6000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.1043,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-16",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 6000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-16",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 194.82
      "loan_number": 497619,
      "amount_borrowed": 14000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0532,
      "prosper_rating": "AA",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-13",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 14000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-13",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 421.61
      "loan_number": 490825,
      "amount_borrowed": 13000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0631,
      "prosper_rating": "AA",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-12",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 13000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-12",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 397.31
      "loan_number": 494229,
      "amount_borrowed": 20000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0631,
      "prosper_rating": "AA",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-10",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 20000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-10",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 611.25
      "loan_number": 493083,
      "amount_borrowed": 20000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0631,
      "prosper_rating": "AA",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-09",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 20000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-09",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 611.25
      "loan_number": 488119,
      "amount_borrowed": 15000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.0774,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 60,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-09",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 15000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-09",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 302.28
      "loan_number": 488824,
      "amount_borrowed": 7000,
      "borrower_rate": 0.1043,
      "prosper_rating": "A",
      "term": 36,
      "age_in_months": 1,
      "origination_date": "2015-11-09",
      "days_past_due": 0,
      "principal_balance": 7000,
      "service_fees_paid": 0,
      "principal_paid": 0,
      "interest_paid": 0,
      "prosper_fees_paid": 0,
      "late_fees_paid": 0,
      "collection_fees_paid": 0,
      "debt_sale_proceeds_received": 0,
      "loan_status": 1,
      "loan_status_description": "CURRENT",
      "next_payment_due_date": "2015-12-09",
      "next_payment_due_amount": 227.29
  "result_count": 10,
  "total_count": 70