Searching through Prosper loan listings – listings API


Note: The <prosper_base_address> referenced in this topic is instead of

Use GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/ to search through all active Prosper listings. You can also use this method to retrieve the listings you have invested in that have been originated. You might call this method to retrieve listings based on criteria that matches your investment risk.

The GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/ method provides powerful filtering and sorting options, allowing fine-grained search and display from the large amount of listings in the Prosper active listing database.

If you’d like to download Prosper listings history in CSV format, you can download this information at the following location (You must be logged in to Prosper):

Note: We apply a “one month” curtailment rule to this file, which means that listings that were published between 10/01/2017 and 11/01/2017 are only visible after 12/01/2017.

Prosper switched from using Experian credit underwriting data to using TransUnion credit underwriting data to generate loan offers on March 31st, 2017. The listings API provides the capability to inspect both Experian and TransUnion credit bureau data through the use of query parameters.

All listings objects that were generated prior to March 31st, 2017 contained Experian credit bureau data. After March 31st, 2017, all new listings contain only TransUnion credit bureau data. However, you may continue to inspect Experian credit bureau data for all listings you have invested in that were created prior to March 31st, 2017.

Supported methods


Example URI

GET <prosper_base_address>/listingsvc/v2/listings/{?query_parameters}
   Authorization: bearer <access_token>
   Accept: application/json

HTTP Headers

Field name Expected value Required?
Authorization bearer <access_token> Y
Accept application/json Y
timezone By default, all dates returned in the response are in UTC format. However, you can specify the timezone in full format. Examples:

Query parameters

General parameters

Name Description
offset Defaults to 0.

The starting listing within the query result set when paginating.

When making calls that may return a large result set, it is beneficial to page the result set.By paginating your result set, you will get a much faster response than when requesting a larger, potentially large, data set for the limit value.

Example: If your first call specifies an offset of 0, and a limit of 25, your second call would have an offset value of 25. Your third call would have an offset value of 50. Your fourth call would have an offset value of 75, and so forth.

limit Defaults to 25.

The maximum value is 500.

Determines how many listings objects to return in the result set. There may be less remaining objects than the value you specify for the limit.

include_credit_bureau_values Possible values:

  • experian
  • transunion
  • experian,transunion

The default value is null.

Add this parameter to your request if you want to see TransUnion or Experian credit bureau underwriting values in the search response.

By default, the listings API returns a subset of indexed TransUnion credit bureau underwriting values in a response.

Note: Use this parameter judiciously. Including credit bureau underwriting values can increase response time dramatically, especially when returning a large set of listings. If you do not need the credit bureau underwriting values, it is best not to request them.

Due to the large set of credit bureau underwriting values that are returned within a GET listings response, those values are documented on separate pages:

TransUnion credit bureau values

Experian credit bureau values

biddable By default biddable is set to true.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false

When set to true, you will retrieve active listings.
When set to false, you can only retrieve listings that you own (You must set invested=true).

Use this parameter in conjunction with the invested query parameter to retrieve the listings you want to view. For a discussion about how to use the biddable and invested query parameters, see below.

invested Use the invested parameter to retrieve listings that you have invested in, or to exclude listings you have invested in.

By default, invested is set to null.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false
  • null – not passed in

Use this parameter in conjunction with the biddable query parameter to retrieve the listings you want to view. For a discussion about how to use the biddable and invested query parameters, see below.

sort_by You can sort your search results by the following return fields, in ascending or descending order. Descriptions of these fields appear later in this page.

  • amount_funded
  • amount_remaining
  • borrower_rate
  • fico_score
  • investment_typeid
  • lender_yield
  • listing_amount
  • listing_category_id
  • listing_creation_date
  • listing_end_date
  • listing_number
  • listing_start_date
  • listing_status
  • listing_term
  • partial_funding_indicator
  • percent_funded
  • prosper_rating
  • prosper_score
  • verification_stage

The possible values of the sort_by setting are:

  • asc – ascending (default)
  • desc – descending

Example: To sort the listings returned by the listing’s verification stage in descending order, you would enter the following:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?sort_by=verification_stage desc

Note: The sort order value (asc or desc) should be preceded by a space.

whole_loan Possible values:

  • true
  • false

Add this parameter to return whole loans only. If set to true, the API will only return listings containing whole loans. If set to false (or missing) the API will return listings for all loan types (whole loans and partial investment loans). The default value for this parameter is false.

Note: Not all investors are allowed to invest in whole loans. If you want to sort listings when retrieving all listing loan types, use the investment_typeid parameter.

exclude_co_borrower_application This filter is to exclude co-borrower listings from the list of active listings.

By default exclude_co_borrower_application is set to false.

Possible values:

  • If set to true, co-borrower listings will not be included in the response.
  • If set to false, co-borrower listings will be included in the response.

Using the biddable and invested query parameters

The following diagram shows how the biddable and invested query parameters cover the total amount of listings available to you.

Below are some examples of calls you would make to retrieve listings using different combinations of the biddable and invested query parameters.

  • All active listings, whether you have invested in them or not.
    By default, biddable is set to true and invested is set to null.
    Examples: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/
    GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?biddable=true
  • Active listings by specific listing number (whether or not you have invested in them).
    Examples: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_number=2641407,567332
    GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_number=2641407,567332&biddable=true
  • All active listings that you have invested in (listings have not originated).
    Examples: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?biddable=true&invested=true
    GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?invested=true
  • All active listings that you have not invested in.
    Examples: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?biddable=true&invested=false
    GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?invested=false
  • All originated listings that you have invested in.
    Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?biddable=false&invested=true
  • Originated listings you have invested in by specific listing number.
    Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_number=2641407,567332&biddable=false

Note: Since a default call retrieves all active listings, any time you request originated listings you have invested in, you will have to pass biddable=false. This is true even if you know the listing number that you want to retrieve.

Filter parameters

Filter type Description
boolean The boolean filter type determines whether or not you want to include only the specified listing.

Example: If you want to search for listings where the partial funding indicator exists, you would add the following parameter to your search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?partial_funding_indicator=true

multivalue The multivalue filter type accepts one or more values as a comma-separated entry. The search will retrieve all listings that match exactly the values passed into the filter.

Example one: If you want to retrieve the listings for the following active listing numbers only (2942004,7941078,9988017), you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_number= 2942004,7941078,9988017

Example two: If you want to retrieve the listings for the following owned listing numbers only (2641407,8932085,9877027), you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_number= 2641407,8932085,9877027&biddable=false

Example three: If you want to search for listings where the FICO value is within the following ranges of 760-779, and 780-799, and 800-819, and 820-850, you would add the following parameter to your search query (This query also sorts the listings in descending order by fico score):

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?fico_score=760-779,780-799,800-819,820-850&sort_by=fico_score desc

range The range filter type should be used for executing a search either above a certain value, below a certain value, or between two separate values for the listings parameter being searched.You can append _min or _max to the filter name to denote the minimum or the maximum value for the range.

Example one: If you want to search for listings where the listing amount ranges between $2000 and $3000, you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_amount_min=2000&listing_amount_max=3000

Example two: If you want to search only for listings where the listing amount is above $15000, you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_amount_min=15000

Example three: If you want to search for listings where the listing start date is after May 22, 2015, you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_start_date_min=2015-05-22

If you wanted to be more specific and search for listings where the start date and time was May 22, 2015 at 8 am, you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_start_date_min=2015-05-22 08:00:00

Example four: If you want to search for listings where the listing amount ranges between $2000 and $3000, and where the listing start date is after May 22, 2015, you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?listing_amount_min=2000&listing_amount_max=3000&

If you wanted to be even more specific and search for listings where the listing amount ranges between $2000 and $3000, and the start date and time was May 22, 2015 at 8 am, you would add the following parameter to your listings search query:

GET /listings/v2/?listing_amount_min=2000&listing_amount_max=3000& listing_start_date_min=2015-05-22 08:00:00

Listings response object elements, with filter types

Note: If the filter type value is N/A, no filter is available for the element.

Due to space considerations, this table does not include TransUnion or Experian credit bureau underwriting elements. If you want to search through these elements, you can view them in the following locations:

Name Type|Filter-Type|Description
amount_funded type: decimal
filter-type: range

Amount of the listing funded

amount_participation type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Amount already invested by the authenticated user

amount_remaining type: decimal
filter-type: range

Amount remaining for funding.

borrower_apr type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Borrower APR

borrower_listing_description type: string
filter-type: N/A

This field has been deprecated.
Loan description provided by the borrower

borrower_rate type: decimal
filter-type: range

The borrower’s interest rate on the Loan

borrower_state type: string
filter-type: multivalue

State, abbreviated.(CA, TX, MA, etc.)

channel_code type: string
filter-type: N/A

This field has been deprecated.

A numerical value indicating the acquisition channel from which the borrower was sourced.

credit_bureau_values_experian type: object
filter-type: N/A

Object containing Experian credit bureau underwriting data for the borrower. To retrieve this data, pass the include_credit_bureau_values=experian query parameter when retrieving listings.

Note: Use this parameter judiciously. Including credit bureau underwriting values can increase response time dramatically, especially when returning a large set of listings. If you do not need the credit bureau underwriting values, it is best not to request them.

Due to the large set of credit bureau underwriting values that are returned within a GET listings response, those values are documented on a separate page:

Experian credit bureau values

credit_bureau_values_transunion type: object
filter-type: N/A

Object containing TransUnion credit bureau underwriting data for the borrower. To retrieve this data, pass the include_credit_bureau_values=transunion query parameter when retrieving listings.

Note: Use this query parameter judiciously. Including credit bureau underwriting values can increase response time dramatically, especially when returning a large set of listings. If you do not need the credit bureau underwriting values, it’s best not to request them.

Due to the large set of credit bureau underwriting values that are returned within a GET listings response, those values are documented on a separate page:

TransUnion credit bureau values

credit_bureau_values_transunion_indexed type: object
filter-type: N/A

Object containing indexed values from the TransUnion credit report that was used to generate the terms of the listing. The elements in this object are documented in more detail below. All elements in this object support range filters.

  • fico score – fico score as reported by TransUnion credit report
  • at01s – Number of all accounts (open and closed)
  • at02s – Number open accounts
  • at03s – Number open accounts that are currently satisfactory
  • at20s – Months since oldest account opened
  • at57s – Total past due amount of open trades verified in past 12 months
  • bc34s – Utilization for open credit card trades verified in past 12 months
  • g041s – Number of accounts 30 or more days past due ever
  • g093s – Number of public records
  • g094s – Number of public record bankruptcies
  • g095s – Months since most recent public record
  • g099s – Number of public record bankruptcies in past 24 months
  • re101s – Total balance of all revolving trades verified in past 12 months
  • g102s – Months since most recent inquiry
  • g218b – Number of delinquent accounts
  • g980s – Number of inquiries in the last 6 months
  • re20s – Age of oldest revolving account in months
  • s207s – Months since most recent public record bankruptcy
  • re33s – Balance owed on all revolving accounts
decision_bureau type: string
filter-type: N/A

Possible values

  • Experian
  • TransUnion

The value of this element shows which credit bureau’s underwriting data was used to generate the terms within the listing.

dti_wprosper_loan type: decimal
filter-type: range

Debt to income ratio including the pro-forma monthly payment of the entire listing amount posted by the borrower.

effective_yield type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Equal to the borrower interest rate: (i) minus the servicing fee rate, (ii) minus estimated uncollected interest on charge-offs, (iii) plus estimated collected late fees, (iv) plus estimated post charge-off principal recovery.

This element and filter have been deprecated. This element will only be returned for listings with a start date (listing_start_date) through August 8, 2018. You can no longer filter for this element.

employment_status_description type: string
filter-type: multivalue

General employment status description (employed, self-employed, etc…)

estimated_loss_rate type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Estimated principal loss on charge-offs.

This element and filter have been deprecated. This element will only be returned for listings with a start date (listing_start_date) through August 8, 2018. You can no longer filter for this element.

estimated_monthly_housing_expense type: decimal
filter-type: range

The estimated monthly housing expense for the borrower.

estimated_return type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Estimated Return

This element and filter have been deprecated. This element will only be returned for listings with a start date (listing_start_date) through August 8, 2018. You can no longer filter for this element.

fico_score type: string
filter-type: multivalue

Binned FICO score of the borrower. To determine if the FICO score is from Experian or TransUnion for the listing, look for the value of the decision_bureau element. When filtering, use one of the following values:

  • <600
  • 600-619
  • 620-639
  • 640-659
  • 660-679
  • 680-699
  • 700-719
  • 720-739
  • 740-759
  • 760-779
  • 780-799
  • 800-819
  • 820-850
funding_threshold type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Funding threshold to originate

has_mortgage type: boolean
filter-type: boolean

An indication whether the borrower has an outstanding mortgage.

historical_return type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Average historical return for all loans within this Prosper rating expressed as a decimal.

historical_return_10th_pctl type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Average historical return for all loans within this Prosper rating at the 10th percentile mark, expressed as a decimal.

historical_return_90th_pctl type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Average historical return for all loans within this Prosper rating at the 90th percentile mark, expressed as a decimal.

income_range type: integer
filter-type: multivalue

You may specify values from 0 to 7, as listed below:

  • 0 = Not displayed
  • 1 = $0
  • 2 = $1-24,999
  • 3 = $25,000-49,999
  • 4 = $50,000-74,999
  • 5 = $75,000-99,999
  • 6 = $100,000+
  • 7 = Not employed


income_range_description type: string
filter-type: N/A

A textual description corresponding to the income_range number described above.

income_verifiable type: boolean
filter-type: N/A

The borrower stated that they could verify their stated income.

investment_type_description type: string
filter-type: N/A

A string that corresponds to the listing’s investment_typeid.
Will be one of the following strings:

  • “Fractional”
  • “Whole”
investment_product_id type: integer
filter-type: N/A

  • 1 – Standard
  • 2 – Series 1
investment_typeid type: integer
filter-type: N/A

The type of loan offering:

  • 1 – Fractional
  • 2 – Whole

Note: Not all investors can bid on whole loans.

last_updated_date type: datetime
filter-type: N/A

Last updated date for the listing.

Note: Some fields, such as internal relationship fields, are not accessible to the search/listings API. However, updating those fields will update the last_updated_date field.

lender_indicator type: integer
filter-type: N/A

Borrower also has a investor Role.

  • 0 = Holds borrower role only.
  • 1 = Holds both borrower and investor roles.
lender_yield type: decimal
filter-type: range

The borrower’s interest rate less the investor servicing fee.

listing_amount type: decimal
filter-type: range

Loan amount requested by borrower.

listing_category_id type: integer
filter-type: multivalue

Broad borrower-reported loan purpose expressed as an integer. This value will map to the listing_title value in your response.
The mapping for the values is:

  • 1 – Debt Consolidation
  • 2 – Home Improvement
  • 3 – Business
  • 4 – Personal loan
  • 5 – Student use
  • 6 – Auto / Motorcycle / RV / Boat
  • 7 – Other
  • 8 – Baby & Adoption
  • 9 – Boat
  • 10 – Cosmetic Procedures
  • 11 – Engagement Ring Financing
  • 12 – Green Loans
  • 13 – Household Expenses
  • 14 – Large Purchase
  • 15 – Medical / Dental
  • 16 – Motorcycle
  • 17 – RV
  • 18 – Taxes
  • 19 – Vacation
  • 20 – Wedding Loans
  • 21 – Special Occasion
listing_creation_date type: datetime
filter-type: range

Listing Creation Datedate format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’

Example: 2015-12-24

listing_end_date type: datetime
filter-type: range

Listing End Date
date format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’

Example: 2015-12-24

listing_monthly_payment type: decimal
filter-type: range

Monthly payment associated with the listing

listing_number type: integer
filter-type: multivalue

Listing Number as found on the Prosper site

listing_purpose type: string
filter-type: N/A

This field has been deprecated.

Refer to listing_title instead.

listing_start_date type: datetime
filter-type: range

Listing Start Date

date format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’

Example: 2015-12-24

When filtering, you can also use the datetime format

date format ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’

Example: 2015-12-24 08:00:00

listing_status type: integer
filter-type: multivalue

Where the listing is within the Prosper Marketplace listings lifecycle:·

  • 2 = Active
    the listing is active on Prosper
  • 4 = Withdrawn
    the listing was withdrawn by customer request
  • 5 = Expired
    the listing failed to fund in time
  • 6 = Completed – the listing ran to completion and was funded
  • 7 = Cancelled
    the listing was cancelled by Prosper
  • 8 = Pending Review/ Acceptance –
    the listing ran to completion but is awaiting listing review from Prosper or acceptance by the borrower
listing_status_reason type: string
filter-type: N/A

A textual description corresponding to the listing_status number described above.

  • Active
  • Withdrawn
  • Expired
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • Pending Review / Acceptance
listing_term type: integer
filter-type: multivalue

Months over which the loan amortizes. Values can be:

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48
  • 60
listing_title type: string
filter-type: N/A

The title is determined by the type of loan selected by the borrower (Debt Consolidation, Home Improvement, Large Purchase, Household Expenses, Special Occassion, Vacation, Taxes, etc.)

loan_number type: integer
filter-type: N/A

The identifier of the loan. You can use the loan_number when making a call to the loans or payments API.

Note: This element will only appear within a listing that is owned and has originated (biddable=false and invested=true).

loan_origination_date type: datetime
filter-type: range

The origination date of the listing.

Note: This element will only appear within a listing that is owned and has originated (biddable=false and invested=true).
Example: 2016-12-10

max_prior_prosper_loan type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Largest prior Prosper loan amount

member_key type: string
filter-type: N/A

Borrower unique ID/Member key

min_prior_prosper_loan type: decimal
filter-type: N/A

Smallest prior Prosper loan amount.

months_employed type: integer
filter-type: range

Length of employment in months.

occupation type: string
filter-type: multivalue

Occupation Name

Note: Occupation reporting is optional when a person applies for a loan through Prosper.

The value can be one of the following:

  • Accountant/CPA
  • Analyst
  • Architect
  • Attorney
  • Biologist
  • Bus Driver
  • Car Dealer
  • Chemist
  • Civil Service
  • Clergy
  • Clerical
  • Computer Programmer
  • Construction
  • Dentist
  • Doctor
  • Engineer – Chemical
  • Engineer – Electrical
  • Engineer – Mechanical
  • Executive
  • Fireman
  • Flight Attendant
  • Food Service
  • Food Service Management
  • Homemaker
  • Judge
  • Laborer
  • Landscaping
  • Medical Technician
  • Military Enlisted
  • Military Officer
  • Nurse (LPN)
  • Nurse (RN)
  • Nurse’s Aide
  • Pharmacist
  • Pilot Private/Commercial
  • Police Officer/Correction Officer
  • Postal Service
  • Principal
  • Professional
  • Professor
  • Psychologist
  • Realtor
  • Religious
  • Retail Management
  • Sales Commission
  • Sales Retail
  • Scientist
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Skilled Labor
  • Social Worker
  • Student – College Freshman
  • Student – College Sophomore
  • Student – College Junior
  • Student – College Senior
  • Student – College Graduate Student
  • Student – Community College
  • Student – Technical School
  • Teacher
  • Teacher’s Aide
  • Tradesman – Carpenter
  • Tradesman – Electrician
  • Tradesman – Mechanic
  • Tradesman – Plumber
  • Truck Driver
  • Waiter/Waitress
  • Other
  • Investor
partial_funding_indicator type:boolean
filter-type: boolean

If true, the borrower is approved for partial funding. Borrowers can choose to partially fund their listing if it is at least 70% funded at the end of the listing period. This field is not applicable when investment_typeid=2.

percent_funded type: decimal
filter-type: range

Percent of the listing funded

prior_prosper_loans type: integer
filter-type: range

Total prior Prosper loans

prior_prosper_loan_earliest_pay_off type: integer
filter-type: N/A

Cycle number of the fastest early payoff of a prior Prosper loan.

prior_prosper_loans31dpd type: integer
filter-type: N/A

Number of cycles prior loans were 31+ days past due.

prior_prosper_loans61dpd type: integer
filter-type: N/A

Number of cycles prior loans were 61+ days past due.

prior_prosper_loans_active type: integer
filter-type: range

Total prior Prosper loans that are still active

prior_prosper_loans_balance_outstanding type: decimal
filter-type: range

Total balance outstanding on Prosper loans

prior_prosper_loans_cycles_billed type: integer
filter-type: range

Total cycles billed on prior Prosper loans.

prior_prosper_loans_late_cycles type: integer
filter-type: range

Number of billing cycles where a late payment was made on prior Prosper loans.

prior_prosper_loans_late_payments_one_month_plus type: integer
filter-type: range

Number of billing cycles where a late payment by 1 or more months was made on prior Prosper loans.

prior_prosper_loans_ontime_payments type: integer
filter-type: range

Number of billing cycles where a timely payment was made on prior Prosper loans.

prior_prosper_loans_principal_borrowed type: decimal
filter-type: range

Total Prosper loans principal borrowed

prior_prosper_loans_principal_outstanding type: decimal
filter-type: range

Principal balance outstanding on Prosper Loans

prosper_rating type: string
filter-type: multivalue

A proprietary rating developed by Prosper allowing you to analyze a listing’s level of risk.
Can be one of the following values:

  • AA
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • HR
prosper_score type: integer
filter-type: range

A custom risk score built using historical Prosper data. The score ranges from 1 to 11, 11 having the lowest risk.

stated_monthly_income type: decimal
filter-type: range

The borrower’s monthly income, as provided by the borrower.

verification_stage type: integer
filter-type: range

A three-stage indicator of the progress on the loan, based on Prosper’s verification of the borrower’s information and documents submitted that are key to evaluating the loan. The further along in verification, the higher the verification stage and the more likely the loan will originate.
Can be one of the following values:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
whole_loan_end_date type: datetime
filter-type: range

Date the listing was moved from the whole loan pool to the fractional loan pool.

whole_loan_start_date type: datetime
filter-type: range

Date the listing was posted to the whole loan pool

co_borrower_application type: boolean
filter-type: boolean

An indication whether the listing is a co-borrower application.

combined_dti_wprosper_loan type: decimal
filter-type: range

Combined debt to income ratio including the pro-forma monthly payment of the entire listing amount posted by the borrower and the co-borrower. This field is present only for co-borrower listings.

combined_stated_monthly_income type: decimal
filter-type: range

The combined borrowers’ stated monthly income, as provided by the borrower and the co-borrower. This field is present only for co-borrower listings.

Elements within the credit_bureau_transunion_indexed object:

The long element name will be passed back in the response. If passing in a range query parameter, you may pass in the short element name.

Name Type|Filter-Type|Description
fico_score type: string
filter-type: multivalue

Binned fico score of the borrower. When filtering, use one of the following values:

  • <600
  • 600-619
  • 620-639
  • 640-659
  • 660-679
  • 680-699
  • 700-719
  • 720-739
  • 740-759
  • 760-779
  • 780-799
  • 800-819
  • 820-850

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?fico_score=760-779

GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?fico_score=760-779,780-799,800-819,820-850



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: trades

Number of all accounts (open and closed) the borrower has.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data at01s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

There are no special values for this element

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?at01s_min=2&at01s_max=14



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: trades

The number of open accounts the borrower has.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data at02s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?at02s_min=2&at02s_max=4



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: trades

Number of open trades currently satisfactory the borrower has.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data at03s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -2 means not verified in time period.
A special value of -3 means no open trades this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?at03s_min=2&at03s_max=6



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: months

Number of months since oldest trade opened.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data at20s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.
A special value of -5 means cannot calculate (required data for calculation is missing).

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?at20s_min=60



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: USD

Total past due amount of open trades verified in past 12 months for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data at57s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999999999.

A special value of -2 means not verified in time period.
A special value of -3 means no open trades this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.
A special value of -5 means cannot calculate (required data for calculation is missing).

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?at57s_max=7500



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: percentage

Utilization for open credit card trades verified in past 12 months for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data bc34s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -1 means no trades of this type.
A special value of -2 means not verified in time period.
A special value of -3 means no open trades this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.
A special value of -5 means cannot calculate (required data for calculation is missing).

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?bc34s_max=575



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: trades

The number of accounts 30 or more days past due the borrower has ever had.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g041s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g041s_min=0&g041s_max=6



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: records

The number of public records the borrower has.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g093s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

This element returns no special values.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g093s_min=0&g093s_max=2



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: bankruptcies

The number of public record bankruptcies the borrower has.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g094s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g094s_min=0&g094s_max=1



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: months

The amount of months since the most recent public record for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g095s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g095s_min=0&g095s_max=6



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: bankruptcies

Number of public record bankruptcies in past 24 months for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g099s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -1 means no trades of this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g099s_min=0&g099s_max=2



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: months

The amount of months since the most recent inquiry for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g102s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g102s_min=0&g102s_max=6



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: trades

Number of trades verified in the past 12 months that are currently 30 days or more past due for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g218b element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -2 means not verified in time period.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g218b_min=0&g218b_max=4



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: inquiries

The number of deduped inquiries in the past 6 months for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data g980s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g980s_min=0&g980s_max=4



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: months

Number of months since oldest revolving trade opened for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data re20s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -1 means no trades of this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.
A special value of -5 means cannot calculate (required data for calculation is missing).

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?g980s_min=240



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: months

The number of months since the most recent public record bankruptcy for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data s207s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999.

A special value of -1 means no trades of this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?s207s_min=0&s207s_max=36



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: USD

Total balance in USD of open revolving trades verified in the past 12 months for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data re33s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999999999.

A special value of -1 means no trades of this type.
A special value of -2 means not verified in time period.
A special value of -3 means no open trades this type.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.
A special value of -5 means cannot calculate (required data for calculation is missing).

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?re33s_min=5000&re33s_max=20000



type: integer
filter-type: range
units: USD

Total balance of all revolving trades verified in past 12 months for the borrower.

This element maps to the TransUnion Credit Data re101s element.

The default value for this element is 0, with valid values of 0-999999999.

A special value of -1 means no trades of this type.
A special value of -2 means not verified in time period.
A special value of -4 means no trades on file.
A special value of -5 means cannot calculate (required data for calculation is missing).

Example: GET /listingsvc/v2/listings/?re101s_min=5000&re101s_max=20000


Example one:

This example will return a set of listings meeting the following parameters:

  • listings are active
  • and are limited to 10 listings
  • and were listed after August 18, 2018
  • and the listing amount is over $5000
  • and will only show listings that have been invested in

This example assumes the call was made near the two week window of the listing being activated.


GET <prosper_base_address>/listingsvc/v2/listings/?biddable=true&invested=true&limit=10&listing_start_date_min=2018-08-18&listing_amount_min=5000
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json

Example two:

This example will return a set of listings meeting the following parameters:

  • listings are active
  • limited to 10 listings
  • prosper rating of B and C
  • listing amount no lower than $4,000 and no higher than $10,000
  • sorted by the verification stage (value of 1-3: default sort method is ascending)
  • exclude all listings the user has already invested in
GET <prosper_base_address>/listingsvc/v2/listings/?biddable=true&invested=false&limit=10&prosper_rating=B,C&listing_term=36&listing_amount_min=4000&listing_amount_max=10000&sort_by=verification_stage
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json

Example three:

The following example retrieves all active Prosper listings, with a limit of 25 returned listings. This call also returns both Experian and TransUnion credit bureau underwriting data for each listing in the response.

Note that any listings created after March 31, 2017 will not contain Experian credit bureau underwriting data.


GET <prosper_base_address>/listingsvc/v2/listings/?limit=25&include_credit_bureau_values=experian,transunion
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json


  "result" : [ 
       "credit_bureau_values_transunion_indexed": {
           "credit_report_date": "2018-08-09 23:47:25 +0000",
           "fico_score": "720-739",
           "at02s_open_accounts": 14,
           "g041s_accounts_30_or_more_days_past_due_ever": 0,
           "g093s_number_of_public_records": 0,
           "g094s_number_of_public_record_bankruptcies": -4,
           "g095s_months_since_most_recent_public_record": -4,
           "g102s_months_since_most_recent_inquiry": 8,
           "g218b_number_of_delinquent_accounts": 0,
           "g980s_inquiries_in_the_last_6_months": 0,
           "re20s_age_of_oldest_revolving_account_in_months": 183,
           "s207s_months_since_most_recent_public_record_bankruptcy": -4,
           "re33s_balance_owed_on_all_revolving_accounts": 11139,
           "at57s_amount_delinquent": 0,
           "g099s_public_records_last_24_months": -4,
           "at20s_oldest_trade_open_date": 183,
           "at03s_current_credit_lines": 14,
           "re101s_revolving_balance": 11139,
           "bc34s_bankcard_utilization": 40,
           "at01s_credit_lines": 29
     "investment_product_id": 1,
     "decision_bureau": "TransUnion",
     "member_key": "DGBDSE3293520941575679245E34",
     "listing_creation_date": "2018-08-09 23:47:23 +0000",
     "listing_status": 2,
     "listing_status_reason": "Active",
     "amount_funded": 3878.28,
     "verification_stage": 3,
     "listing_start_date": "2018-08-10 16:00:18 +0000",
     "amount_participation": 0,
     "investment_typeid": 1,
     "investment_type_description": "Fractional",
     "last_updated_date": "2018-08-10 19:20:18 +0000",
     "invested": false,
     "biddable": true,
     "months_employed": 162,
     "listing_number": 8454370,
     "has_mortgage": true,
     "historical_return": 0.05389,
     "historical_return_10th_pctl": 0.03618,
     "historical_return_90th_pctl": 0.07623,
     "estimated_monthly_housing_expense": 947,
     "listing_amount": 25000,
     "amount_remaining": 21121.72,
     "percent_funded": 0.1551,
     "partial_funding_indicator": true,
     "prosper_rating": "B",
     "lender_yield": 0.1214,
     "borrower_rate": 0.1314,
     "borrower_apr": 0.1677,
     "listing_term": 36,
     "listing_monthly_payment": 844.04,
     "prosper_score": 7,
     "listing_category_id": 1,
     "listing_title": "Debt Consolidation",
     "income_range": 4,
     "income_range_description": "$50,000-74,999",
     "stated_monthly_income": 5128.92,
     "income_verifiable": true,
     "dti_wprosper_loan": 0.49,
     "employment_status_description": "Employed",
     "occupation": "Computer Programmer",
     "borrower_state": "KS",
     "prior_prosper_loans_active": 0,
     "prior_prosper_loans": 2,
     "prior_prosper_loans_principal_outstanding": 0,
     "prior_prosper_loans_principal_borrowed": 11000,
     "prior_prosper_loans_balance_outstanding": 0,
     "prior_prosper_loans_cycles_billed": 29,
     "prior_prosper_loans_ontime_payments": 29,
     "prior_prosper_loans_late_cycles": 0,
     "prior_prosper_loans_late_payments_one_month_plus": 0,
     "max_prior_prosper_loan": 8000,
     "min_prior_prosper_loan": 3000,
     "prior_prosper_loan_earliest_pay_off": 5,
     "lender_indicator": 0,
     "channel_code": "80000"
  "result_count": 25,
  "total_count": 2683

Example four:

To reflect the availability of co-borrower personal loan applications, all listings will now return the following additional fields:

  • “co_borrower_application”

The additional fields included on a “co_borrower_application”: true listing are:

  • “combined_dti_wprosper_loan”
  • “combined_stated_monthly_income”

Please note that you cannot solely invest in co-borrower listings, and that the response limit of 25 returned listings.


GET <prosper_base_address>/listingsvc/v2/listings/{?query_parameters}
   Authorization: bearer <user_access_token>
   Accept: application/json


Single Application Response

"historical_return": 0.05389,
"historical_return_10th_pctl": 0.03618,
"historical_return_90th_pctl": 0.07623,
"estimated_monthly_housing_expense": 731,
"co_borrower_application": false

CoBorrower Application Response

"historical_return": 0.05389,
"historical_return_10th_pctl": 0.03618,
"historical_return_90th_pctl": 0.07623,
"co_borrower_application": true,
"combined_dti_wprosper_loan": 0.12,
"combined_stated_monthly_income": 13200